Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone-starrerChennai Express is earning well at the box office. The film recorded an opening day collection of Rs33.12 crore in domestic.The film is release on an auspicious occasion Eid-ul-Fitr(9 august 2013) , this is one of reson why this film is earning buzz. Even before the release, the buzz for the movie was strong, giving it a collection of Rs. 6.75 crore in the home country from paid previews on.
What’s Hot:-
The film features Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in lead roles. This is the second of Khan and Padukone after the 2007 blockbuster Om Shanti Om and the first film between SRK and Rohit Shetty. Chennai Express is about a man's journey from Mumbai to Rameshwaram and what happens along the way after he falls in love with the daughter of a local don.
Now come to real topic:
I found this movie very action pack comedy, mostly Shahruk’s acting is fabulous.
The chemistry between shahruk and deepika is awesome.
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Format:- .mp4
Type:- Family Film
Our Rating:- ★ ★★★☆
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