"f" gesture for Facebook |
Think you just draw any mark, shape or sign on
your screen and the phone will remember where to take you. Which may be your
favorite apps, internet pages, contact numbers by calling or texting people or
even your phone settings!!!
For example: - just draw f and your facebook will
Calling to someone? Just add your gesture to call
Calling to someone? Just add your gesture to call
that person or to text other person.
How to use is really simple:
1. Select a category from
[Internet / Application / Contact / Phone Setting]
2. Select an item from the list
3. Create a gesture for the item
4. Turn on My Gesture
(The icon will stay on the top layer when turned on)
5. Click on the icon
6. Draw a gesture
7. The desired app/internet/calling/texting/settings
will be available instantaneously!!!
[Internet / Application / Contact / Phone Setting]
2. Select an item from the list
3. Create a gesture for the item
4. Turn on My Gesture
(The icon will stay on the top layer when turned on)
5. Click on the icon
6. Draw a gesture
7. The desired app/internet/calling/texting/settings
will be available instantaneously!!!
Options in MyGesture |
Size: - 230k
Platform: - 2.2 or Later